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Developing a Go-to-Market (GTM) Strategy that aligns marketing initiatives with the financial objectives of the business

The first challenge companies face when building a GTM Strategy is identifying the target market. To do that, researchers study customers, competitors, and suppliers.

To attract more customers, go-to-market managers plan a budget for performance and brandformance strategies. Campaigns are launched online, at events, via TV, radio, print, out-of-home (OOH) advertising. Choosing the right mix of channels to promote your product is crucial, especially in the early stages.

A go-to-market strategy helps coordinate customer forecasts, customer acquisition costs, budgets, revenue, timings, and more with business goals. It serves as the link between marketing & financial planning and should be easily adaptable to changes.

We provide go-to-market strategy development for marketers (CMO) and financial managers (CFO)

For a go-to-market strategy to be successful it has to incorporate a realistic financial model forecast. It includes spends & revenue projections, and a comprehensive investment plan. It features key performance indicators (KPI) monitoring dashboard and tools for assessing success. Simply put, a good go-to-market strategy is the financial & marketing management hub for a portfolio of brands.

How we can help?

With extensive experience in marketing and financial planning, we help both young and established companies enter new markets. We create long-term go-to-market strategies and synchronize them with the company's financial goals. We operate in both developed and emerging countries, regardless of the industry. Our expertise has proven beneficial to numerous clients in B2B, mobile app, SaaS, e-commerce, pharma, banking, etc.

Our solutions:

— Consulting on Total addressable market definition.

— Analysis of competitors' marketing activities.

— Analysis of point of sales (POS) and face-to-face (F2F) promotion, pricing, long-term effects, seasonality, macroeconomics, socio-demographic factors.

— Consulting on the promotion channels and optimal channel mix.

— Customer acquisition, spends & revenue forecasts across all channels.

— Long-term financial accounting of marketing activities, optimization of Return on Investment (ROI).

— Support for rapid decision-making, testing of multiple go-to-market scenarios and hypotheses.

— Visualization of financial forecasts in dashboards that can be exported or connected to your preferred business intelligence tools and validated in real-time.

— Creation of adaptive marketing mix models that can be reused to account for changing key performance indicators, predict results with unprecedented accuracy and speed, while maintaining continuity of historical results.

Our workflow

Kick-off meeting

You submit a request that we promptly review.

Then we schedule a kick-off meeting to discuss your business goals, select KPIs to plan your go-to-market strategy.

Researches and data collection

After the approval of your business goals, within two weeks we conduct a detailed study of the total addressable market: your company, customers, competitors, advertisers. We collect data about sales, prices, demand, etc. If you don't have the data or it’s private, we use metamodels as benchmarks.

Launch the go-to-market strategy

After building and approving the model, we test the strategy using statistical methods over the course of a month. This thorough validation process ensures high quality of the resulting forecasts. The strategy will provide a forecast for customer acquisition, spends & revenue across acquisition channels with an accuracy of up to 97%.

1-year support

We support the go-to-market strategy for one year. You will receive a dashboard, an XLS file to help analyze the return on investment in marketing activities across all channels and the impact of various factors on sales. You will be able to quickly test various scenarios for budget distribution across sales channels, predict spends & revenue. We will set up a dashboard so that you can monitor and forecast your go-to-market KPIs permanently.

Our advantages:

— Typical ROMI improvement of 10-30%.

— High-quality forecast of business KPIs (number of customers, revenue, transactions), with a MAPE value as low as 2.5% for periods ranging from 3 months to 1 year.

— Smooth transition from go-to-market strategy to step-by-step operational implementation with accurate sales forecast and distribution strategy.

— Seamless implementation of our platform within the brand's IT infrastructure.

— Managing a portfolio of brands in one place.

— Building go-to-market strategies for fundraising purposes based on our metamodels (benchmarks) without data, leading to better valuation.

— Provision of all necessary reports for our models for the risk/compliance management team, ensuring compliance with AI regulations.

Let’s make a meeting

Request a proposal for developing a Go-to-Market strategy for your business. After reviewing your request, we will schedule a kick-off meeting.

Request for proposal